Enjoy your life in 2024

You have to wind down and recharge, because we can get so overwhelmed that we want to hide away, so if are super fatigued yet you exercise, you get the cleaning done, and other errands, then it is time to take a break and recuperate.

If something in your life is draining you, then it is time to let it go, by reflecting on how you feel and what you can do to change it, so you don't feel you are being bitten by life, but are happy and nothing gets you down and that means facing changes head on and learning. 

I didn't like school, but I still went, when I went to a new dancing class on Saturday's I cried on the first day, because of being so shy. I was introduced to it by my friend Emma who was going  I thought and then stayed dancing for seven years. I didn't know about blog writing until I read a book, and now write blogs on Wordpress and google blogspot and have followers and now have three Youtube channels which are growing and yet took a break in between because for I bit I lost my confidence.

If things don't go to plan that is okay, it just means we need to choose another path, until we find the one that fits us, and makes us excited and fills us with adrenaline. 

I now write books and have books on amazon. Check out my latest book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mum-Me-Gucci-Tits-Virtue-ebook/dp/B0BGSS7H9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2WA4N2NJYUG8O&keywords=mum+%26+me+carrie+holmes&qid=1704722651&sprefix=mum%26me+carrie+holmes%2Caps%2C710&sr=8-1

This month I am doing No Spend January, because I did this last year and really helped see my bad spending habits and my good habits, and rebuilt my relationship with my money, and keeping track and pay of debt. Now I check my bank accounts everyday, and monitor and jot down money spent, and a budget I can stick to. 

I have paid off one of my debts last year and getting my other down, and save. Making sure I have enough to travel, to buy food, items for my son and putting money into his bank account, and building other income streams.

So to enjoy your life, take on challenges and never let you knock you down and take action.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X


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