Why I like my own mug

Hello sorry it has been a while since writing on this blog. If you didn't know I am doing a life coaching programme "The Summer Project 2023" and is helping you have a better year and happy life, check out my blog site: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com 

I have created videos that are on my main Youtube channel for this project and so check it here via this link: typicallondongal 

It is June 2023 and today whilst having my first cup of tea completed the first draft of my book and feels so good to have this done. Having my own mug helps with that and it just something that gives me comfort. 

When working in offices you would be asked to have your own mug if you wanted a cup of tea and coffee and thought that this was such a good idea and it makes it a homely environment. Of course if you work in a supermarket not so good because eating and drinking in front of customer is unprofessional, but doesn't mean you can't bring your own mug use it when you take a break and I find it helps me to take a good break and I like doing my content creating with my mug filled. My tea and coffee is my fuel and gives me that boost I need each day.

It stops me from buying coffee from the coffee shop as doing this all the time can be expensive and I love making myself a coffee in one of my mugs. I like instant coffee and my source of medicine, if it is Caffeinated or Decaf. 

Some may frown on this like people do these days, but I like my coffee and my tea and not willing to give these up. They along with spending time with my son, family and friends, help me to get up each morning and you have to have these luxuries in your life. 

If you known someone who may be lonely then why not make them a coffee even if it is neighbour and invite them round, and have them bring a mug of their own or if you can spare money to buy them their own mug for when they come round then why not do that and have a chat, do a puzzle and just keep them company. 

I just watched along with writing this post watched a programme that was on Channel 4 (but I watched it on Youtube) called Dispatches and talking about forgotten pensioners and it is so upsetting to see people struggling and so want to share because the more we highlight these issues the difference we can all make. See it here via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btAffz83MB4 

Mugs can be great as gifts with different teas and coffees, and great to sell at a Car Boot sale. 

There are so many ideas and I love receiving mugs as a gift, not hinting in anyway, but if friends and family read this then an idea. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 



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