Having a day off and taking time to look after yourself

So tomorrow it is Saturday my day off. This is important, because I hate burnout and for me to look after my son, its important I look after me. I want Henry to enjoy his days with me and tomorrow if the weather is good going to take him to see the fish at an aquarium, and then walk through Morden Park. I hope for another sunny day and enjoying the outdoors is what I need and my son needs. 

Do these kind of things keeps you in touch with your kids?

Absolutely. Outdoors is our Oyster, and it allows to get rid of cobwebs and tension. I do suffer anxiety and so is a must to get outside and enjoy my surroundings. 

Today I didn't do a lot of blogs, I volunteered to help take the children from my sons school and my son, to their Sports Day event and it was so lovely seeing his face when he saw me waiting for the children to come out and helped my son along with his one to one teacher take him there and it was so worth. 

His class teacher was a bit concerned about him taking part, but I am so glad he got the chance and it was so lovely. I hadn't been to his sports days and so was happy to be there, and be a part of it. 

It was therapeutic to me as being behind a computer all of the time takes its toll, and would like to do more volunteering. 

You have to have a good balance when managing so many things. We can all feel bogged down, so take time off and enjoy it. I do get the guilt feeling when I don't do any writing, but its important that I do. My goal for me was to be more present and subconsciously, and just realised that as I write this blog. 

Sparing time for myself to do some exercise, pop around the shops and have time in a bath reading a book, it all adds up to spending time in your own company. It is good to put ourselves first and in turn other people. 

I do write books about having a good wellbeing on amazon.com under my two names, Carrie Challoner and Carrie Holmes. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 


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