You can't have a cupcake without a drink

Today I treated myself to couple of cup cakes and the one thing I really would like to do again is make my own, as I enjoy baking so hope I will achieve that dream soon.

I am a routine kind of person with treats included as it kind of my reward to myself for how productive I can be and it is form of a cake or a notebook see blog where I talk about How could live in a notebook: living in a notebook

Not saying I am never lazy as I can be, and have before now stayed in bed until twelve but that person is someone who wasn't happy about that and it would be a waste of a day, so now I get up early and make the most of each day. 

For me I can't have a cupcake without a drink and this usually is a cup of tea or coffee and having a bit of a sugar fix to needing a Caffiene fix. 

I don't think I can ever not be like that as since a kid loved having a cake or a biscuit with a brew and do I do this all of the time? No!

It is in moderation and I do have a good balanced diet now. 

For me it is all about enjoying the things you love and taking each day as they come but always wanting better and grow.

So I am now got a cuppa on the go I have had a biscuit or two and now gonna drink my tea and go for a long walk to make the most of today 


Many thanks,

Carrie X


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