Being a girl who loves Porridge and a cup of tea/I like my style/Find a style that works for you

I am very old school in the way I live. I still have a childhood favourite, Porridge with a nice cup of tea. You can't beat the classics in my book.

Thank goodness that we now have Microwaves as it makes having porridge very easy and is a good hearty breakfast, and being a Stylish Mamma I do feel that I need those luxuries in my life. 

I do have my cake and eat it, cause I love the sugar but also the treat. I like my cups of tea in my own mug and with some biscuits to dip into my tea. How can a digestive chocolate biscuit be bad for you, cause when I eat it I don't feel the guilt of doing so I feel the pleasure. Okay, so would I eat the whole packet? No! I know my limits but I also know how to live in style because they are items that will never go out of fashion.

I used to give ny son porridge with some banana or a Farley's Rusk and he would devulge it. I am due to do my walk today so soon I will be off doing that. 

I love my walks in the morning and afternoon that I am doing this daily and I do feel the benefits and the best exercise for me,

So what do you like for breakfast and what type of exercise do you do?

Many thanks,

Carrie X 


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