
Spending a day on the sofa

Today took me a while to wake up and always happens this time of year, autumn 2024 and I have been active, did a walk on the treadmill and now going to spend the day on the sofa.  I find this time I have to myself, whilst my son is at school to be chilled and peaceful as my son is so energetic that it is can be a shock to wake up early and so have time to work on blogs, have a nice lunch in between and tomorrow going to go out and to have a coffee, do some writing in a coffee shop and go to B&M, which is now one of my favourite stores.  However, today it is me watching a bit of Youtube, catching up on my google blogs and other blogs I write on Wordpress, along with working on a book I am writing and going through emails.  Of course I do need to dry up from Breakfast, but will do this once it gets closer to lunch and hydrate and then get back on the couch and do some more on my laptop and may catch up on some TV.  Well that lasted. As my husband just popped in, whilst I am drinking

Love having a coffee and a notebook

I love nothing than having a coffee whilst planning and drafting content that I'd like to share on my blogs and videos, having a change of environment.  Also like to try different coffees in different coffee shops and have a bit of me time, which for me is so important in terms of energy and relaxation.  Having time for me is what I need when my son is with his dad, at a holiday club he goes to in the holidays or be looked after by his grandparents.  I know it is not always possible to have break as when school returns, I know some of us have a few more weeks left, it can be all systems go and we get caught up with being busy with the return of school, but I use the time in the morning or evening, depending on when you get quiet moment then there is no better feeling in having a good coffee, and my journal and pen, and planning my life.  I love to brainstorm and draft blogs and allowing my creativity come out and just allow myself to put my thoughts and ideas on paper and it he

Finding your style that represents who you are

My mum loves a dress and she is very glamorous and puts make up on everyday where I with me I put mine on when there is particular reason, and I like my leggins with a t-shirt or jumper, and will wear a dress when for a particular reason, and also dress to suit my lifestyle like working out and comfortable clothing that can be casual and smart.  I am that parent that could live in gym gear all of the time, but to avoid that I will style my wardrobe with trousers, shorts and I do like a nice top that is different and smarten up again depending on what I am doing on the day (if I am going out) and the weather. At school I was someone who would look at the girls in my class of what they were wearing and plan my wardrobe that suited me at that time. I also collect clothes that has longevity, checkout my blog site   Carries Versatile fashion . It is important to me to have good functional style that my body can breath and like a jumper is like being given like a big hug and a top that I fee

Being 45 and growing

 As a kid I felt uncomfortable about being a child, because I saw being an adult, it meant that you had more freedom than being a child. Being 45 seemed a long long milestone and now I am 45, gotten to a place where I am okay with my life, and that I have come a long way to feeling good about myself and that I am no longer fearful compared to when I was a kid. I did have a good childhood and feel very lucky with the things I have done through out it, like holiday's in Clacton and Menorca, and seeing shows up London and visits to London Zoo, Chessington Zoo before it became a Theme Park, and it was just the zoo, and getting my ears pierced up London and spent time seeing my grandparents.  There was a time I liked to go out all the time and meet friends for a drink and get plastered. Not so much now, and like having the odd drink, but no over do it. Its alright going out partying but you have to think about getting home safely and I think you become more protective especially be a pa

I like making choices that meet with how I feel each day

The start of this week has been a struggle as not felt too good, and so stayed in but really I needed to be outside and glad I did go out today as I bumped into someone that I hadn't seen for ages. She was someone I met when my son was born, as her son like Henry was premature, and born two days before Henry and so good to see her.  Wimbledon RFC Ground that we go to each weekend and gives my son joy and me too Today I did a list for today of what I needed to get done as started to work on my laptop in the mornings, and has helped plan and break my day up. Everyone has a different schedule, and important jobs to do, and so like to acknowledge those who take their kids to school each day and on time, yet they have to travel a lot to do that, and then go to work and rarely have time for themselves.  When it comes to choices and what to do each day, is on how I feel, and today wanted to hop on the bus, get bits for dinner, grab a coffee and get bus back.  It is the same when it comes

Enjoy your life in 2024

You have to wind down and recharge, because we can get so overwhelmed that we want to hide away, so if are super fatigued yet you exercise, you get the cleaning done, and other errands, then it is time to take a break and recuperate. If something in your life is draining you, then it is time to let it go, by reflecting on how you feel and what you can do to change it, so you don't feel you are being bitten by life, but are happy and nothing gets you down and that means facing changes head on and learning.  I didn't like school, but I still went, when I went to a new dancing class on Saturday's I cried on the first day, because of being so shy. I was introduced to it by my friend Emma who was going  I thought and then stayed dancing for seven years. I didn't know about blog writing until I read a book, and now write blogs on Wordpress and google blogspot and have followers and now have three Youtube channels which are growing and yet took a break in between because for I

Autumn Living adjusting into this season

After having real nice weather, it has turned and is a miserable day today, but I don't mind it as I am ready for Autumn now and thinking about what I am going to need for this season to sort my life out. I am doing an Autumn Reset and finishing projects I am doing, like my new book I am writing, finish sorting out my bedroom in Wimbledon and complete the online courses I have enrolled on.  Check out my blog site:   and been filming for it too, and these will start to be upload next week. If you read this in the future then check out my main Youtube channel: I am filming today, and I really enjoy filming vlogs and started already my husband has begun using the slow cooker, and I love a casserole or a stew this time of year. And I love a Roast, I did have some during the summer, but I do particularly love them now (Autumn 2023) and my taste buds do change as the weather gets colder with a lovely hot choco