
I love a pair of pyjamas

I am writing a book called Life as a Bedtime girl and she loves home life. She loves her book and bed, married to an Italian and comes and goes as she pleases. Would we like to have a life?  Me in my Christmas PJs It is good to invest in making sure you have a good sleep and having a good set of PJ's can help. I don't buy PJ's all of the time, as the ones I have had have lasted for a long time. I like clothes, including bed clothes that last and it can really help to settle for the evening. Invest in yourself. I have had trouble with sleep and its getting to sleep that I have struggled with, but now I sleep well and having a bath with a pair of lovely and easy wearing PJ's have helped and helps me be productive the next day. Having a nice set of sleep wear has made a difference. I have to have a set that allows my skin to breath and instantly relaxes me.  Then there is bedding. I will admit I not one to wash my bedding all of the time like I know I should, but is a must...

Why I love baths

Just had a lovely bath with Himalaya Salts and feel so refreshed. No this is not an advert, I just love that I have baths instead of showers now. I been listening to a Podcast and listened to one by Ken Bruce, Greatest Hits Radio with Elkie Brooks and singer I grew up listening to as my dad would play her songs. I don't have baths everyday, but every other day and alternate with my son, so he has a bath one evening and I have a bath the next evening and is my time I like to spend. Yes I do get disturbed being a parent, when in the bath. I am sure you can resonate, if you to are a parent too. There was a time where I'd have showers and I do at the weekend, but love having soak to relax and recuperate.  What do you prefer bath or shower? Please put down in the comment box below.  As I walk a lot, I like to allow my body to recover and some do ice baths. This has become a trend and seen on Instagram of celebrities getting ont...

Having a Coffee and a Mince Pie

It is less than 19 days before Christmas and luckily I have only two more gifts to buy and then there is the food and already got items to drink and not going to drink the whole day but as we get nearer and afterwards too and looking forward to a chill out day.  My son decorating his tree We have our decorations up and not bought anything as we have quite a bit and put the Christmas tree into my sons room as we have no space in the Living room and he was very pleased, because he had decorated it all by himself.  As I write this blog I am having a coffee with a Mince Pie and why I wanted to write this post as Christmas is about not worrying about weight or feeling guilty but enjoyment and something I have to have when it is Christmas time. It wouldn't be the same if I didn't. I feel it is going to be a good Christmas with no expectations, but having food and drink that I don't have for the rest of the year and music too.  Watching a bit of TV and what I miss about not havi...

Spending a day on the sofa

Today took me a while to wake up and always happens this time of year, autumn 2024 and I have been active, did a walk on the treadmill and now going to spend the day on the sofa.  I find this time I have to myself, whilst my son is at school to be chilled and peaceful as my son is so energetic that it is can be a shock to wake up early and so have time to work on blogs, have a nice lunch in between and tomorrow going to go out and to have a coffee, do some writing in a coffee shop and go to B&M, which is now one of my favourite stores.  However, today it is me watching a bit of Youtube, catching up on my google blogs and other blogs I write on Wordpress, along with working on a book I am writing and going through emails.  Of course I do need to dry up from Breakfast, but will do this once it gets closer to lunch and hydrate and then get back on the couch and do some more on my laptop and may catch up on some TV.  Well that lasted. As my husband just popped in, wh...

Love having a coffee and a notebook

I love nothing than having a coffee whilst planning and drafting content that I'd like to share on my blogs and videos, having a change of environment.  Also like to try different coffees in different coffee shops and have a bit of me time, which for me is so important in terms of energy and relaxation.  Having time for me is what I need when my son is with his dad, at a holiday club he goes to in the holidays or be looked after by his grandparents.  I know it is not always possible to have break as when school returns, I know some of us have a few more weeks left, it can be all systems go and we get caught up with being busy with the return of school, but I use the time in the morning or evening, depending on when you get quiet moment then there is no better feeling in having a good coffee, and my journal and pen, and planning my life.  I love to brainstorm and draft blogs and allowing my creativity come out and just allow myself to put my thoughts and ideas on ...

Finding your style that represents who you are

My mum loves a dress and she is very glamorous and puts make up on everyday where I with me I put mine on when there is particular reason, and I like my leggins with a t-shirt or jumper, and will wear a dress when for a particular reason, and also dress to suit my lifestyle like working out and comfortable clothing that can be casual and smart.  I am that parent that could live in gym gear all of the time, but to avoid that I will style my wardrobe with trousers, shorts and I do like a nice top that is different and smarten up again depending on what I am doing on the day (if I am going out) and the weather. At school I was someone who would look at the girls in my class of what they were wearing and plan my wardrobe that suited me at that time. I also collect clothes that has longevity, checkout my blog site   Carries Versatile fashion . It is important to me to have good functional style that my body can breath and like a jumper is like being given like a big hug and a ...

Being 45 and growing

 As a kid I felt uncomfortable about being a child, because I saw being an adult, it meant that you had more freedom than being a child. Being 45 seemed a long long milestone and now I am 45, gotten to a place where I am okay with my life, and that I have come a long way to feeling good about myself and that I am no longer fearful compared to when I was a kid. I did have a good childhood and feel very lucky with the things I have done through out it, like holiday's in Clacton and Menorca, and seeing shows up London and visits to London Zoo, Chessington Zoo before it became a Theme Park, and it was just the zoo, and getting my ears pierced up London and spent time seeing my grandparents.  There was a time I liked to go out all the time and meet friends for a drink and get plastered. Not so much now, and like having the odd drink, but no over do it. Its alright going out partying but you have to think about getting home safely and I think you become more protective especially be...