
Showing posts from August, 2024

Love having a coffee and a notebook

I love nothing than having a coffee whilst planning and drafting content that I'd like to share on my blogs and videos, having a change of environment.  Also like to try different coffees in different coffee shops and have a bit of me time, which for me is so important in terms of energy and relaxation.  Having time for me is what I need when my son is with his dad, at a holiday club he goes to in the holidays or be looked after by his grandparents.  I know it is not always possible to have break as when school returns, I know some of us have a few more weeks left, it can be all systems go and we get caught up with being busy with the return of school, but I use the time in the morning or evening, depending on when you get quiet moment then there is no better feeling in having a good coffee, and my journal and pen, and planning my life.  I love to brainstorm and draft blogs and allowing my creativity come out and just allow myself to put my thoughts and ideas on paper and it he