Take good care of your skin

Noone likes dry skin including myself and if I don't moisturise each day that is exactly what it does and from a kid have looked after my skin and it can really help how you are feeling and so having a good skincare routine each day is important. My main two are my Nivea creams, and for a while would use baby oil and E45 but these products can be expensive, not unless you have a Savers near you or Poundland. I would like to try different brands, like I have one by Olay, but not really used it. Getting into the habit can help do wake you up each day and I mean the skin. I do wear make up but not a lot because I like my skin to breath. I am trying to balance it out though as I would like to put on make up regularly, but can't establish a routine at the moment, as I have been concentrating on getting back into my exercise. It's not that I don't like the make I have, its just putting on a simple look but I am going to try as of tomorrow as it does help my confidence,...